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    Battle of Lissa


    Posts : 24
    Join date : 2010-09-15

    Battle of Lissa Empty Battle of Lissa

    Post  kosovohp Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:54 pm

    The Battle of Lissa (sometimes called the Battle of Vis; known in French as Bataille de Lissa, Italian as Battaglia di Lissa and Croatian as Viška bitka) was a naval action fought between a British frigate squadron and a substantially larger squadron of French and Venetian frigates and smaller ships on 13 March 1811 during the Adriatic campaign of the Napoleonic Wars. The engagement was fought in the Adriatic Sea for possession of the strategically important island of Lissa (later renamed Vis), from which the British squadron had been disrupting French shipping in the Adriatic. The French needed to control the Adriatic to supply a growing army in the Illyrian Provinces, and consequently despatched an invasion force in March 1811 consisting of six frigates, numerous smaller craft and a battalion of Italian soldiers.

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